LIHEAP provides financial assistance to eligible households to help pay the cost of home energy bills and other energy related services. Households may qualify for regular LIHEAP assistance and/or the Energy Crisis (emergency) Intervention Program (ECIP) for natural gas, wood, electricity, liquid petroleum propane/butane gas, and other energy related services.
WAP is designed to reduce energy costs for eligible clients by making their homes more energy efficient. The program focuses on assisting the elderly, disabled and low-income families with young children. Energy efficiency education is provided for each household weatherized. Weatherization crews install the most cost-effective, energy efficient measures, and address health and safety concerns, improve comfort and air quality.
Our Community Service Block Grant program provides services and activities addressing employment, education, better use of available income, housing, nutrition, emergency services and/or health. In addition, discretionary grants are available at the statewide or local level, or for associations with demonstrated expertise in addressing the needs of low-income families